
Free Graphic Resource for Children's Ministry Leaders

Create your E-cards, and send them to your friends!

This is how your E-card looks.
Please check the contents and the both e-mails, sender and receiver. If you would like to edit the contents, click 'Edit it' button.
If it's ready to go, click 'OK, Send it!' button.

Welcome to E-cards!
Following images are just example illustrations you can send your E-card with, you can send E-cards with any clip art illustration.
Go to any clip art page and click 'Send E-card' button if you want to send other clip art.

Create an E-card and send it to your friends!
You can edit the card by the form below, you also can change the template of the E-card.

Select the clipart Click a thumbnail below to change or do 'Clip Search' at Home to find one you want.

Change the template Click a thumbnail below to change. Hide this.

Edit your E-card here.

E-mail address you send to:

You can send this to more than 1 recipients.
Enter address connecting with ",".

Your Name:
Your E-mail address:

Confirm my E-chard

Please confirm the contents of the E-card and the both e-mail address:

Recipient e-mail address:
Your name:
Your e-mail address:

Edit it again
OK, Send it!

Please wait..... Sending the data now.

You can create you own E-card with hundreds of Christian cliparts! Start from HERE!